Python and Tk on MacOSX

The standard binary installation of Python on MacOSX does not include Tkinter. You can use Tkinter on MacOSX, but you have to download TclTkAqua yourself and build Python from source.

Here is a recipe that works for me on MacOSX 10.2 with Python 2.3.3:
This will build /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework and /Applications/MacPython. At this point I can
(The IDLE launcher didn't work for me with Python 2.3.1. But the command 'pythonw idle' where idle is in the current directory, worked for me to launch IDLE. Or just look at the idle file and type the two lines yourself.)
Note that to run ANY Python GUI on MacOSX, you have to run with pythonw or PythonLauncher.